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Compilation of articles on financial planning, Takaful protection as well as health and lifestyle tips for your knowledge.

Compilation of articles on financial planning, Takaful protection and lifestyle tips
Family takaful is a financial planning method that can be used in case of emergency

Family Takaful, your financial planning frontliners

In this challenging life, with the addition of COVID-19, the main worry for consumer must be their pocket money. How to manage finances when a pandemic strikes?

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Good lifestyle habits you can do as a family for a healthy body and happy mind

Start a healthy lifestyle with 4 easy steps


To start living a healthy lifestyle, you need to see from many aspects such as good diet, mental health and physical exercise. Many knew the basics, but why are they still failing?

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Things you need to know before choosing a medical card

5 important things you need to know before choosing a medical card

Majority of us today are aware of the importance of having a medical card. There are many medical card packages available in the market, so how do we as consumers choose the best package?

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Positive sides of COVID-19

The positive side of COVID-19, the catalyst of digital lifestyle

Despite the negative impact that we faced, there is a silver lining in this life test. One of it is the development of digital lifestyle. What else is the positive angle of the COVID-19 pandemic in our daily lives?


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Tips for managing small business finances and calculation formula

3 tips to be successful in side job & online business

In today's economy uncertainty added with loss of jobs, one of the solutions this is take the opportunity to do online business to generate steady stream of income. However, this may not be as easy as it seems. Therefore, it is crucial for you to obtain knowledge first on how to start your own business so that you start with a strong basic. Here are 3 useful tips that you can practice.

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Start saving your money by keeping aside RM5 banknote in a moneybox or piggy bank

5 creative ways to save money


Some people avoid financial management topic as it seems like a complicated calculation to them. Little do they know, good personal financial management was assisted by psychology rather than mathematics. 

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Wedding preparation from financial perspective

Wedding preparation from financial perspective

When you are about to start a family, you may dream a big house to live in, a beautiful and supportive family. But before that, you have to prepare yourself especially for financial matters. Let’s see what we got for you!  


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Common misconceptions in society about inheritance and its management

3 inheritance myths


Did you know, there are as much as RM70 billion unclaimed property since 1957 up until today. This shows that many people out there are unaware or remain ignorant of property management knowledge. Find out some common misconceptions in our society regarding inheritance and its management. 

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Critical illness protection plan is important to protect your family's financial

Why Takaful for critical illness is important

Most people are aware that the main function of a medical card is to cover the costs of medical treatment when you are admitted to the hospital. For common illnesses such as broken arm or dengue fever, a medical card is enough as is. But what about critical illness? This article will provide some insights on why Takaful for Critical Illness is important.  

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Generate side income with freelancing

4 ways to generate side income 


Starting your own business requires a big amount of capital and you should prepare yourself to face high risks. With that being said, you may be looking for other more affordable and safer alternatives. Find out some options that are available out there for you. 

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Should I take out a personal loan to finance my start up business?

Should you take a loan to start a business

Many people thought that the best way to fund a new business is to borrow some money. However, the fact that it is not easy to get profit, especially for start-up business, the new entrepreneur might need to think again. Check this article out to plan your strategy.

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Tips to stay productive while working from home and create a fulfilling work life balance

3 tips to stay productive while working from home

Throughout pandemic Covid-19, many have found comfort while working from home. However, with a more flexible environment, some people tend to become less productive due to burn-out, fatigue or simply demotivated. Here’s some tips for you stay productive while working from home! 

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3 effective tips of settling debt

3 effective tips of settling debt


Debt when planned well can help you. But, it can also burden you due to overspending or buying something that is beyond your means. Once a debt has started to stress you out, you need to work on resolving the debt problem. Aside from adding income, there are several techniques you can use to settle debt. 

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Guidelines to write a good resume that's easy for employers to find and read

How to create a resume employers will read 

Having trouble getting a job even after you have send your resume to many companies? You might want to revise your resume writing. The main goals of writing a resume is to get chance to be interviewed. Follow these tips for you to increase the chances of your resume getting noticed by the employers. 

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Security and financial preparation tips before going back to your hometown during Hari Raya

Tips before balik kampung: Security and financial preparation during Hari Raya

2022 Hari Raya will not be the same as the previous year's celebration. Considering we haven't celebrated in two years, this year's celebration should be livelier than usual. In this article, we will go over some Hari Raya safety tips as well as financial preparations.

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Accidents in the workplace and what employers should do

Accidents in the workplace and what employers should do

You may have done your best as an employer to offer a safe working environment for your employees. However, there are situations when workplace accidents are unavoidable. Let's look at the types of workplace accidents and the procedures that need to be taken to prevent them.

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Ways to plan for your child education fund while they're young

Plan your child's education while they're young

As parents, you would surely want to give only the best for your children – aspiring to see them infinitely happy and successful. Find out the ways to plan for their education.

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A takaful contract is developed based on the concept of donation called tabarru`

Shariah compliant investment is a choice without a doubt   

Pursuing wealth is not something forbidden in Islam. Thus, Muslims are encouraged to find income, taking good care of their property and expanding their assets. Read on to see the types of Shariah compliant investments you can choose from.

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Designate a nominee to receive the takaful benefits for hibah takaful plan

Things you should know about Hibah Takaful

The benefits of Hibah Takaful is that you can directly appoint anyone you want to receive the compensation money as a beneficiary through a conditional hibah (gift) upon the event of your death. Here are some things to note about hibah takaful and how to make the most of it.

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GETB has been awarded with the Best Takaful Provider in Malaysia by the Global Business Outlook

The reputable Takaful company in Malaysia

In this era of modernisation, the financial and health management sectors face no exception where Malaysians may draw on digital facilities with confidence. Read on to find out how GETB has leveraged on it and reaped its rewards.

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People performing Umrah and Hajj by walking around the Kaaba in Mecca

Financial planning towards achieving the goal of performing Umrah and Hajj

The dream of all Muslims is to travel to the holy land of Mecca, to complete the fifth pillar of Islam, which is performing Hajj, and is one of the most important journeys in a Muslim’s life. Therefore, it is important to financially plan in efforts to fulfill the goal of performing Umrah and Hajj.

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Advantages of a Takaful protection plan

Advantages of a Takaful protection plan

In your daily life you are always exposed to various risks and the possibilities of being overwhelmed by illnesses, accidents, car damages and even death. Find out how to financially protect yourself.

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How to be financially successful

How to be financially successful

Financial success is really just about making wise decisions with the money that we have. Here are the 5 ways to be financially successful.


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How much should I spend on Takaful

How much should I spend on Takaful?

Most people know that Takaful is an important aspect of a holistic financial plan, but have misconceptions about Takaful needs and getting sufficiently protected. Find out how much you should be spending on protection.

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Medical protection vs critical illness protection

Medical protection vs critical illness protection

Many think that medical card is the ultimate healthcare solution that will eliminate your financial worries should you or your loved ones fall ill. But what if you are diagnosed with one of the critical illnesses? Find out the differences between the two.

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Planning your financials with a high protection plan

Planning your financials with a high protection plan

The more you make, the more you will need to protect your financial or business to be able to maintain your lifestyle throughout retirement or for your family survival in the event of your passing. Find out when and how will you benefit from a high protection plan.

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To invest or to protect? Why not both?

To invest or to protect? Why not both?


With that RM10 a day you spend on miscellaneous, you could protect yourself against life uncertainties such as death, disability, accident, illness and on top of that earn potential return from investment fund. Let’s find out how.

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Everything you need to know about making a Takaful claim

Everything you need to know about making a Takaful claim

So you have chosen the right Takaful plan for you and started paying the contribution. Later, you fall ill and are admitted to the hospital due to dengue. You are well aware that you can claim your Takaful plan but you are clueless on the process. Let’s find out the type of claims and its processes.

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4 benefits of participating in Takaful at a young age

4 benefits of participating in Takaful at a young age

As a young adult, participating in Takaful is one of those things you don’t really want to think about until you’re older. That does not mean you shouldn’t be thinking about getting Takaful protection now. Discover for four benefits that come with getting Takaful protection at a young age.

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Your holistic Takaful protection journey

Your holistic Takaful protection journey


Our personal life journeys are uniquely rich and diverse. As close as they may seem, no two paths are identical. Here are some major events that can trigger a need or change in Takaful protection to help determine if it’s time for you to examine your protection needs.

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4 benefits of Hibah Takaful

4 benefits of Hibah Takaful


On 5 November 2014, Bank Negara's Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) issued a resolution that hibah in takaful can be granted, many takaful participants have breathed a sigh of relief. Find out what that means and the benefits of hibah takaful.


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Is critical illness insurance protection a necessity in Malaysia?

Is critical illness insurance protection a necessity in Malaysia?

Critical illness can sneak on you when least expect it. According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, 15% of medically certified deaths in 2019 were due to heart disease, hence making this critical illness as the number one cause of death in Malaysia. Read to learn more about critical illness protection and why it matters. 

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What is a Takaful rider?

What is a Takaful rider?


Takaful riders are optional, which can be attached to your basic Takaful plan. It offers added benefits and protection that the basic plan may not cover. When you’re selecting a for yourself or your loved ones, don’t just compare the benefits of the basic plan, but the benefits that the riders offer too. Discover the types of riders available.

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Takaful benefits & payout: Ways to use it wisely

Takaful benefits & payout: Ways to use it wisely

There are various of Takaful protection plans with savings offered in the market, however the best plan is definitely the one that gives a high return during maturity. Read on to see how you can use payments from a plan like this, so that you can plan your financial more carefully.

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Why do you need an infectious diseases protection?

Why do you need an infectious diseases protection?

Nowadays, infectious diseases remain a public health priority both in Malaysia and globally. Many diverse problems posed to healthcare systems from infectious diseases including the increasing of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue, malaria and Zika virus. Find out why you need infectious diseases protection and how it will benefit you.

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Takaful repricing: The why and how it affects us

Takaful repricing: The why and how it affects us

The thought of our escalating contributions can be worrying and even makes you wonder if you should surrender your takaful plan. Many certificate holders do not know that takaful contributions, especially medical takaful, may increase through time, if necessary. Find out the why of Takaful repricing and what it means.

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Importance of family medical takaful

The importance of family medical Takaful


Many of us are aware of medical Takaful, that it helps to cover the medical and surgical expenses incurred at a hospital on an individual. Wondering what makes family medical Takaful stand out compared to the more commonly-known personal medical Takaful? Read on to find out more. 
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Benefits of online takaful

Benefits of online takaful


In this day and age, things have never been made easier. In fact, products get better, processes get faster, and services simplified. These days, people expect issues to be troubleshot quicker, with a shorter turnaround time. Find out the benefits of online takaful in the advent of digitalisation. 

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A comprehensive guide to understanding Islamic Takaful

A comprehensive guide to understanding Islamic Takaful

Takaful is based on  principles of mutual cooperation and mutual protection, making it an ethical and community-driven option. Takaful is fundamentally different from insurance in its principles and how it operates. Within this article, learn what takaful is, its advantages and differences between takaful and conventional insurance.

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Healthy Eating during hari raya

Healthy eating guide during Raya


Hari Raya Aidilfitri marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan when Muslim communities all over the world celebrate this. Making smart choices on healthy foods is important to avoid overeating unhealthy foods. Here are some tips on how to eat healthily during Hari Raya.

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Tips for a healthy morning routine

Tips for a healthy morning routine 


Establishing a healthy morning routine can set the tone for your entire day. A good morning routine can help you feel energised and focused throughout the day. However, it can be challenging to know where to start or how to stick to a routine. Here are some tips on how to set and have a good morning routine.

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4 ways to show love and care to your family

4 ways to show love and care to your family 

With our hectic lives, it can be easy to take our family for granted, but it's important to take the time to express our love and appreciation for them. Explore ways you can show your family how much you love and appreciate them, to strengthen your bonds and create lasting memories together.

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Can non-Muslims apply for Takaful?

Takaful plans best suited for you

With the range of takaful plans we have to offer you, rest assured our different benefits are able to suit how you would like to protect yourself as well as your loved ones. Here we have a list of our types of takaful plans in Malaysia as well as how they best benefit you.

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Can non-Muslims apply for Takaful?

Can non-Muslims apply for Takaful?

Takaful is often perceived in a jaundiced light, largely due to its religious connotations. Many know of it, but choose not to opt for it due to lack of knowledge. Non-Muslims often perceive takaful as only for Muslims. So the question is, can non-Muslims participate in Takaful?

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How to claim Takaful death benefit

How to claim Takaful death benefit

Death is a grim topic and considered taboo to talk about. It is important to discuss the necessary arrangements and procedures surrounding death claims to ensure that those left behind can pick up the pieces and carry on. Discover what you need to make a death claim.

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Enhance your basic Takaful plan with a rider

Enhance your basic Takaful plan with a rider

How can we Takaful participants ensure we are sufficiently covered at every life stage? There are various needs for each life stage, but let’s dig deeper into the possible riders that would help provide better coverage.

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Uncertainties you may come across in your business

4 uncertainties you may come across in your business

As an entrepreneur or business owner, there are always risks and uncertainties that can arise and potentially impact the success of your business. What is uncertainty in business? Uncertainty in business is the unpredictability which can impact the outcome of business decisions. 

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Guidelines for facing the Malaysian heat wave

Guidelines for facing the Malaysian heat wave

Malaysia’s hot season is usually caused by the phenomenon of monsoon transitions, or El Nino from the Pacific Ocean. These hot seasons can stretch on for a number of days to weeks, and temperatures can reach as high as 40 degrees Celsius.

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The importance of self-care and how to practise it

The importance of self-care and how to practise it 

Self-care isn't just about pampering yourself but doing what is best for your own health. What exactly is self care? The meaning of self care is making better decisions for yourself, giving yourself some rest time and even securing your future. Here, we have some examples and tips of self care as well as explanations on why self care is important to practise.

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4 Ways to gain trust of your employee

4 ways to gain the trust of your employees

Your employees are among your most important assets in your business. When you earn their trust and help them feel secure, your employees will ensure that they do the best for you and the organisation itself. Here are several ways on how to gain the trust of your employees and show them that they are of value to you.

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How to start a fitness journey and stick to it

How to start a fitness journey and stick to it

Starting a fitness journey can be both exciting and challenging. It's easy to feel motivated at the beginning, but staying committed to your fitness goals can be tough. Here are some tips for beginners to help you start your fitness journey and stick to it.

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The importance of financial

The importance of financial literacy & money management

Financial management and literacy is an important skill for individuals of all ages and backgrounds as it can equip them with the knowledge and understanding necessary to make informed financial decisions. What is financial literacy? Financial literacy refers to the ability to understand and manage personal finances effectively.

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Positive parenting tips & role of parents in child life

Positive parenting tips & role of parents in child’s life

Raising children is one of the toughest yet most fulfilling jobs in the world — and the one for which you might feel the least prepared. It requires a total balance of love, guidance, and understanding. When our children are small, they copy and imitate gestures, they learn from their surroundings, developing skills from everything they see.

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Hari Raya Haji

Hari Raya Haji/Eid al-Adha: understanding the meaning, history, and importance of the festival of sacrifice

Eid al-Adha, also known as Hari Raya Haji or Eid al-Adha, is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims all over the world. 

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Earning T20 but living a B40 life

Earning T20, but living a B40’s life

How would you normally picture a life of a rich person? Many will imagine a peaceful and easy life. Breakfast by the pool, dinner facing KLCC in the skyline, vacations with family in Europe, driving luxury cars and living in an 8-bedroom bungalow.

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Penulisan wasiat

The importance of writing a will & distribution of inheritance in islam

Many among us still lack understanding of the importance of writing a will for estate planning, even though writing a will is a recommended practice. A will is an important legal document in the planning of inheritance distribution and more.

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Self-Improvement tips

Practical ways to start working on self-improvement

Not only does self-improvement help you perform your best by taking steps to improve yourself, but your overall wellbeing will also be enhanced. Firstly, what is self-improvement? Self-improvement is a journey towards personal growth and becoming the best version of yourself.

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ways to leave a legacy

Ways to leave a legacy

Have you noticed? The older we get, the more we hear the word “legacy” from around us. Growing up, many of us may think that “leaving a legacy” means leaving a lasting impact on those around us even after we have passed

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ways to instill the spirit of patriotism in your children

4 ways to instill the spirit of patriotism in your children 

Instilling a sense of patriotism in your children is like planting a seed of love for their country that will grow with them. Patriotism means having a strong love and loyalty for your country and wanting to support and protect it.

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family traditions

Family traditions: Passing down values for future generations

In the fast-paced world we live in, where trends come and go like the wind, one thing remains constant and invaluable: family traditions. Family traditions are more than just rituals or routines; they are powerful ways of passing down values, stories, and love to our children and grandchildren.

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work life balance

The importance of healthy work-life balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for overall well-being and long-term success. The meaning of work-life balance is finding a good balance between your work and your personal life so that you have enough time for both and feel happy and not stressed

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Plan your assets

Plan your assets managements and future legacy

As we journey through life, many of us ponder the legacy we will leave behind. In the context of leaving behind a positive legacy, it is essential to focus on the various types of legacies that you can leave behind.While our time on this earth is temporary, the impact we make can endure for generations to come.

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Plan your assets

Understanding childhood cancer: Risk factors, types and symptoms

Childhood and pediatric cancer is a distressing and complex medical condition that affects thousands of children and their families every year. To better comprehend this critical issue, it is crucial to delve into the various types of childhood cancer, explore potential causes, and understand the risk factors involved

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Tips for a healthy and fulfilling life in your golden years

Tips for a healthy and fulfilling life in your golden years

Ageing is a natural and inevitable part of life, and it can bring wisdom, experience, and a deeper appreciation for the world around us. However, maintaining good health and well-being as we age is a top priority for a happy, fulfilling, and active later life

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Breast cancer in the family: risk factors and protection steps

Breast cancer in the family: risk factors and protection steps

Breast cancer occurs when there is uncontrolled tissue growth, leading to the development of lumps in the breast. This type of cancer can spread to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes in the armpit or nearby areas

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rise in grocery price

Rise in grocery price: What can we do?

Such items would be 10kg locally-produced rice, one packet of cooking oil, 10 eggs, 1kg of flour and 1kg of sugar.20 years ago, only RM50 was required for a full trolley’s worth of kitchen goods. Now, with the same RM50, one is able to buy only three to five items. 

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Preparing to face the rise of global inflation

Preparing to face the rise of global inflation

Inflation, inflation. A hot topic that has been discussed nowadays. In the economy field, inflation is a phenomenon in which there is an increment in the general price level and services from time to time. 

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Preparing to face the rise of global inflation

Spotlight on seniors


In 2013, the mandatory retirement age in Malaysia was raised from 55 to 60 years old! Through the years, you may have noticed that retirement looks quite different than before. Let’s look at what retirement looks like now and what can we do to prepare ourselves for the golden years.

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The impact of healthcare inflation on family finances

The impact of healthcare inflation on family finances 

Global inflation has given a huge impact to everyone in the world, impacting economies and services including healthcare and medical costs. Increasing medical costs is a serious matter and it is burdening family finances in Malaysia. 

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4 Practical steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

4 Practical steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

Happy new year! One of the new year’s traditions is that we would always list out our resolutions before the new year, but, it is undeniable that it is hard for us to achieve all of our intended goals before the year ends.

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4 Practical steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

3 Things you should avoid while saving up 

Are you looking to travel? Or perhaps buy those long-awaited items? Or maybe just prepare for emergencies? Well, saving is the solution! Saving is one of the smart steps to manage your finances and can help you in the future.

4 Practical steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

Panel and preferred hospitals: What are they?

It is suffice to say that many of us participate in Takaful medical plans for its benefits of protection in the form of medical coverage. This helps to assure us we are able to have access to necessary healthcare without having to eat into our personal savings

Child's Education: Best Strategies to Nurture Interest in Learning

Child's education: Best strategies to nurture interest in learning

As children’s parents or guardians, we surely want the best for them, including a good education for their future. The realm of education is one of the biggest aspects in their lives, and we should play an important role in nurturing interest in learning from them. 
Importance of cervical health

Importance of cervical health: debunking myths and raising awareness


What is cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is a disease in which the cells situated in the ectocervix develop excessively at an abnormal rate. This cancer type is the third most experienced by women after colorectal and breast cancer. 

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Tips on saving for your dream holiday

Tips on saving for your dream holiday

There are two extremes on the spectrum of financial planning. On one end, there are those who are overly frugal, saving for the future at the expense of today’s enjoyment. On the other end, there are those who enjoy extravagantly in the present, spending their income without consideration of the future.

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Child's Education: Best Strategies to Nurture Interest in Learning

Understanding the benefits of cashback in the context of takaful financial protection 

Did you know that aside from credit card usage, you have the chance to get cashback through your takaful protection? Yes, it's true, aside from the protection benefits offered by your preferred takaful choices, you can get back the portion of money that you spend on.
A quick guide on health tips for a successful fast

A quick guide: health tips for a successful fast


The Ramadan month is approaching, many Muslims are starting to make preparations for the holy month such as devotion activities and voluntary fasting. While fasting, it is important for you to give your utmost attention towards your own health: physically and mentally.

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Guide to tax relief and takaful: planning successful financial management

Guide to tax relief and takaful: planning successful financial management

The month of March is just around the corner and an important month for all employees in Malaysia: tax filing and declaration season. But, did you know that you can receive tax relief or exemption through your takaful plan? True, you can reduce your charged income tax and help you stay prudent.

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Hobbies and interest

Hobbies and interests: financial tips for you to practise  

In this fast moving world, involving yourself in a hobby and developing your interests is not only a fun activity to do, but may also burn your money by a lot. 

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4 ways to avoid wasting on hari raya

4 Ways to avoid wasting on hari raya

Aidilfitri is a day where we celebrate the month of Syawal after the fasting month of Ramadan has ended. While we enthusiastically celebrate Aidilfitri, we must remind ourselves so that we can avoid any kinds of waste later

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Medical takaful plan repricing guide for you

Medical takaful plan repricing guide for you

Let's explore further on the complexity of medical takaful repricing and give us knowledge on how to navigate the important aspects of the management of this takaful plan.

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3 best financial tips

3 best financial tips for youngsters

In this complex financial world, a lot of youngsters always struggle with finances and are not sure on how to manage it well, oftentimes facing challenges in wisely managing their finances.


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cultivating a habit of saving during school holidays

Cultivating a habit of saving during school holidays

Good financial management includes prudent spending, saving for the future and setting a financial budget. These are among some good practices to have in order to foster effective financial management in the lives of children.

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Medical takaful repricing

Medical takaful repricing factors

Stepping into the field of medical takaful needs a deep understanding about factors that affect the said repricing. In this article, we are going to explore the main elements that drive the repricing in medical takaful. It is important to understand these factors, for your health protection. 

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Medical takaful repricing: what do I need to do?

Medical takaful repricing: what do I need to do?

Curious about what are medical takaful repricing and its impact on you? Learn what steps to take to adjust your financial plans here!

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what is Awal Muharram & what should we do in Muharram: 4 good practices

What is Awal Muharram & what should we do in Muharram: 4 good practices 

Understand the meaning & importance of Muharram, the start of the Islamic New Year. Learn how to celebrate this meaningful occasion with 4 practices here.

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Badal Hajj: the meaning, requirements & procedures

Badal Hajj: understand the meaning, requirements, & the procedures in performing badal hajj.

Badal Hajj is one way to perform the pilgrimage. Understand what Badal Hajj is, the requirements and procedures, right here with GETB!

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3 ways to appreciate & celebrate independence day


Understand the true meaning of independence, ways to show patriotism & how to celebrate independence day with GETB today!

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Sustainable living

Sustainable living defined and ways to practice it


‘Sustainability’ has become quite a buzzword. Read on to find out the definition of sustainability and ways to practice it.

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Best Online Shopping Tips

Best online shopping tips for you 


Are you the type that loves to shop online? Discover the tips for making the most of online shopping and being safe at the same time here. Read now!

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