Leaders and Company Board Members of Great Eastern Takaful

Norman Ip
Board Chairman
Mr Norman Ip was appointed to the Board of Directors (“Board”) of Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (the “Company”) on 8 August 2014 as an Independent Non-Executive Director. He was subsequently appointed as Board Chairman on 20 May 2020. He is also the Chairman of Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad and Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad. On 8 August 2023, Mr Norman Ip was redesignated as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director.
Mr Norman Ip is a Member of Securities Industry Council and Director of QAF Limited.
He was previously the Group Managing Director of United Engineers Limited, Chairman of Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad, UE E&C Ltd, WBL Corporation Limited, Deputy Chairman of Singapore Building and Construction Authority as well as a Director of Australia Oriental Minerals NL, a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
He is a Chartered Accountant by training and has over 40 years of experience in finance and investments, real estate and managing companies. From 2000 to 2009, he was President and Group Chief Executive Officer of The Straits Trading Company Limited (“STC”), the main activities of which are in real estate, mining and hospitality. Prior to joining STC in 1983, he was with Ernst & Whinney (now known as Ernst & Young LLP).
Mr Norman Ip holds a Bachelor of Science (Econs) from London School of Economics and Political Science. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.

Ybhg. Dato'. Albert Yeoh Beow Tit
Board Member
YBhg. Dato' Albert Yeoh Beow Tit was appointed to the Company's Board on 1 January 2020 as an Independent Non-Executive Director.
YBhg. Dato' Albert Yeoh is currently a Director in several companies, namely Cagamas MBS Berhad and Cagamas SRP Berhad.
YBhg. Dato’ Albert Yeoh started his career in the financial industry particularly in banking sector and has held various senior management positions in Citibank Berhad, the last being the Director of Corporate Banking till February 1996. He was the Chief Executive Officer of OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad, a position which he held until his retirement in 2008.
He was formerly the Director of Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad from 2002 until March 2019 and Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad from January 2002 until March 2020. He was also the Director of Alliance Investment Bank Berhad from May 2016 until May 2019, and Director of Danajamin Nasional Berhad from May 2009 to May 2018. YBhg. Dato' Albert Yeoh Beow Tit also sit as Director of BOS Wealth Management Malaysia Berhad from November 2019 until May 2022.
Dato' Albert Yeoh holds a Bachelor of Economics (Double Major in Economics and Operations Research) from Monash University, Australia and a Master of Science in Management from University of Salford, England. He was conferred Fellow to the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (formerly known as Institute of Bankers Malaysia) by the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia in April 2002.

Mr. Tong Hon Keong
Board Member
Mr Tong was appointed to the Board on 7 August 2023 as an Independent Non-Executive Director. Presently, he is also an Independent Non-Executive Director of Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad.
Previously, Mr Tong was the Independent Non-Executive Director of OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad where he served as the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee and member of the Board Audit Committee. He was also a Director of OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad.
Mr Tong built his career at Maybank over a span of more than 30 years, where he led various functional areas, including Planning, Information Systems, Central Operations and Management Information Services. He served as Senior Executive Vice President of Strategy and Transformation, for Business Banking/SME Banking from 2010 to 2013.
Mr Tong holds a Bachelor of Economics (Hons) degree from the University of Malaya. He is an alumnus of the Advanced Management Program at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Ybhg. Maj Gen Dato'. Zulkiflee Mazlan (R)
Board Member
YBhg. Major General Dato' Zulkiflee bin Mazlan was appointed to the Company's Board as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 29 April 2016.
He presently sits on the Board of Aiiman Asset Management Sdn Bhd as Chairman.
YBhg. Major General Dato' Zulkiflee had served distinguishably in the Malaysian Army Forces and held numerous commands and staff appointments at the Ministry of Defence. He had served on the Board of Yayasan Veteran Angkatan Tentera Malaysia and Perbadanan Hal Ehwal Bekas Tentera. He was the Chairman of Koperasi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Berhad from June 2015 to June 2022.
YBhg. Major General Dato' Zulkiflee was previously the Chairman of Affin Hwang Investment Bank Berhad, Director of Affin Hwang Trustee Berhad and Affin Hwang Asset Management Berhad.
Maj Gen Dato’ Zulkiflee Mazlan holds a Bachelor of Law (LLB) from Universiti Teknologi MARA in 1989. He also holds a Master of Science, National Security Strategy from National Defense University Fort McNair, Washington D.C.

Ybhg. Datin Arlina Ariff
Board Member
YBhg. Datin Arlina Binti Ariff was appointed to the Company's Board on 29 April 2024 as an Independent Non-Executive Director. She is currently the Independent Non-Executive Director of Agrobank (Malaysia) Berhad and PRG Holdings Berhad.
YBhg. Datin Arlina has over 30 years of experience in Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”) where she served in various capacities. She had previously served as the Director of the Financial Inclusion Department.
YBhg. Datin Arlina holds a Masters in Islamic Finance Practice from INCEIF University. Previously, she obtained a Masters of Science in Quantitative Development Economics and Post-Graduate Diploma in Quantitative Development Economics from the University of Warwick in Coventry, England. She graduated with Honours from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada with a Bachelor’s Degree In Economics.

Ybhg. Rear Admiral Dato'. Anuwar Mad Said (R)
Board Member
YBhg. Rear Admiral Dato' Anuwar bin Mad Said was appointed to the Company's Board on 18 May 2018 as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director.
He joined the Royal Malaysian Navy ("RMN") in 1976 as a Cadet Officer. In his 40 years of service, he has held various appointments in RMN. Among his previous appointments was Director of Information Technology, Assistance Chief of Human Resource as well as Strategic Management.
YBhg. Rear Admiral Dato' Anuwar had served on the Board of Koperasi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Berhad from June 2008 until July 2017.
YBhg. Rear Admiral Dato' Anuwar holds a Master of Arts Degree (Defense Studies) from the National University of Malaysia in 2003. He also was awarded with a Diploma in Strategic and Defense Studies from University of Malaya as well as Diploma in System Analysis from National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN).

Ybhg. Professor Dato'. Dr Wan Sabri Wan Yusof
Board Member
YBhg Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Sabri was appointed to the Company's Board on 10 June 2022 as an Independent Non-Executive Director.
He is currently the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah ("USAS") and a Director of Yayasan Al Ammar.
Prof. Dato' Dr. Wan Sabri had served as Shariah Committee member of OCBC Al-Amin. From 2010 to 2021, he was a Shariah Committee member for Great Eastern Takaful Berhad. Prior to that, he was a Shariah Committee member for Southern Bank Berhad, CIMB Islamic and Alliance Bank.
Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan holds a Ph.D and a Master of Arts from Temple University, USA (specialising in Islamic Thought and Comparative Religion). He further holds a master’s degree in Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage ("IRKH") (specialising in Tafsir) and a Bachelor of (Economic) Islamic Economics from International Islamic University Malaysia ("IIUM"). He has published numerous articles and books among others monograph on prominent Muslim scholars in this region, Issue in Islamic Thought and Tafsir (Quranic exegesis).

Dr Mohammad Firdaus Mohammad Hatta
Chairman - Shariah Committee
Dr. Mohammad Firdaus Mohammad Hatta was appointed as a Shariah Committee member of Great Eastern Takaful Berhad in January 2017 and was appointed as Chairman of Shariah Committee in December 2022. He received his first degree in Shariah Islamiah from University of Medina, Saudi Arabia in 2003. He then successfully completed his Masters in Fiqh and Usul Fiqh from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) in 2005 and obtained his PhD in Islamic Banking from University of Wales, Lampeter, United Kingdom in 2012. He also received a Diploma in Islamic Finance from Markfield Institute of Higher Education, United Kingdom in 2009.
Dr. Mohammad Firdaus Mohammad Hatta is currently serves as a Senior Lecturer of Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School, Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam, Selangor. He lectured on subjects such as Islamic Legal Maxims, Managerial Practices of Takaful, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Capital Market and Business Mathematics. He also actively conducts researches, present papers and training on Shariah and Islamic finance. Dr. Mohammad Firdaus also supervising and examining Master and PhD students in Islamic Capital Market, Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking and Takaful.
Dr. Mohammad Firdaus Mohammad Hatta was previously a Shariah Committee member of Citibank Berhad and currently serves as Shariah Committee member of Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad. He also a member of Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS) and MQA Panel of Assessor (Islamic Banking and Finance).

Dr Muhammad Pisol Mat Isa
Shariah Committee Member
Dr.Muhammad Pisol Mat has been appointed as a Shariah Committee of Great Eastern Takaful Berhad GETB since December 2022. He is an ASAS Certified Shariah Advisor (CSA) and holds a PhD in Islamic Finance from the Department of Shariah & Economics, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya in 2012. Prior to this, he graduated with a master’s degree in Usuluddin (Islamic Political Thought) from the University of Malaya in 2001 and a bachelor’s degree in Usuluddin (Theology and Philosophy) from al-Azhar University in 1996.
In academia, Dr Muhammad Pisol currently serves as an Adjunct Professor at Open University Malaysia (OUM) and is also a senior consultant at Tawafuq Consultancy Sdn. Bhd. He was a university lecturer for almost 20 years, teaching various courses including supervising Master’s and PhD students in area of Islamic Economics, microfinance, and Islamic finance.
Previously, Dr Muhammad Pisol was a member of the Shariah Committee at Sumitomo Banking Corporation Malaysia Berhad from 2014 to 2022. Currently, he has been serving as Shariah Committee member at United Oversea Bank (OUB) since November 2023. He is also a member of the ASAS Association and has been a registered Shariah Advisor with the Securities Commission since 2019.
His areas of interest include Islamic Finance, Fiqh Al-Muamalat, Islamic Economics and Islamic Microfinance. He is actively involved in research and publication. His current work focuses on "The Computation of Zakat on Takaful Industry from Shariah Perspective".

Dr Nurul Aini Muhamed
Shariah Committee Member
Dr. Nurul Aini Muhamed was appointed as Shariah Committee of Great Eastern Takaful Berhad in December 2022. She holds a bachelor degree in Shariah Management, University Malaya in 2001. She also holds two Masters’ Degree which is Master of Business Administration from University Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2003 and Master Islamic Finance Practice from INCEIF in 2020. She then awarded a Ph.D in Business Management from University of South Australia in 2009.
Dr. Nurul Aini Muhamed is currently serves Associate Professor for Muamalat and Economy Faculty, Islamic Science University of Malaysia. She serves as Deputy Director of Wakaf and Zakat Centre at the same institution since 2021. As an academician, her area of expertise is Islamic Banking and Finance, Islamic Transaction Law, Halal Management and Governance. She actively conducts researches, present papers and training on Shariah and Islamic finance. She also had published articles on contemporary issues in Islamic Finance.
Dr. Nurul Aini Muhamed was previously a Shariah Committee member at Hong Leong Islamic Bank Sendirian Berhad dan Hong Leong MSIG Takaful. Currently, she serves as Shariah Committee member at BNP Paribas Malaysia Berhad. She also a member of Malaysian Muamalat Association (MMA) and Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS).

Dr Muhammad Naim Omar
Shariah Committee Member
Dr. Muhammad Naim Omar was appointed a Shariah Committee member of Great Eastern Takaful on 7th June 2022.
He obtained his first degree in Shariah from the Faculty of Shariah, Al- Azhar University in 1992 and successfully completed his masters in Shariah from Cairo University in 1999. He was awarded a Ph.D in Islamic Law by the University of Wales, Lampeter in 2006,
At present, Dr. Muhammad Naim Omar is a lecturer at the Department of Islamic Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws at the International Islamic University Malaysia. He teaches several subjects such as Islamic Law of Transaction, Islamic Legal System and Islamic Jurisprudence.
Dr. Muhammad Naim Omar had previously served as a member of the Shariah Committees in the Islamic Banking and takaful sectors such as OCBC Al-Amin, Takaful Ikhlas and MNRB. He has presented numerous papers at conferences and has published various articles in relation to Islamic Transaction Law, Islamic Wealth Management and Islamic Law of Contract.

En. Mohd Fadhly Md. Yusoff
Shariah Committee Member
En. Mohd Fadhly Md. Yusoff was appointed as Shariah Committee of Great Eastern Takaful Berhad in July 2023.
He holds a bachelor degree in Shariah (Honour Class 1), University Malaya in 1995. Currently he runs his own business and also as independent Shariah advisor and consultant. In addition he also serves as Shariah Committee for AmBank Islamic Berhad and Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad. Prior to this, he was a Manager (Islamic Capital Market Department) in Securities Commission Malaysia. He managed, supervised and monitor the Shariah compliance requirement on product structures in relation to submissions for issuance of Shariah Compliant securities.
En. Mohd Fadhly Md. Yusoff also involve in undertake research and development activities in relation to Shariah-compliant Islamic Capital Market products and securities. He was previously a Shariah Committee member of Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad. He also a registered as a member of Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance.

Shahrul Azlan Shahriman
Chief Executive Officer
Shahrul was appointed the Chief Executive Officer in January 2018 and is responsible for steering the company towards achieving improved market share and growth, and ensuring business sustainability into the future using new age solutions.
His experience in the banking & insurance sectors spans over 20 years, during which time he built specific expertise in sales & marketing, asset & fund management, and mortgage sales.
His accomplishments also include developing multi-channel capabilities for both local & international financial markets as well as developing strategic partnerships and implementing proper standards and procedures in sales quality, sales support, recruitment & training.
Shahrul holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Wichita State University, USA, majoring in Management & Finance. He was in the Dean’s Honour Roll list and graduated with a ‘Cum Laude’ (Distinction).
He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals, Chairman of the Corporate Communication Committee and a Member of the Management Committee of the Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA).
Shahrul is also the Chairman of the B40 steering committee, a collaborative effort between MTA, Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) and General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM).

Jasveen Kaur Marne
Chief Financial Officer
Jasveen joined Great Eastern Takaful in 2014 from Great Eastern Life Malaysia (GELM) to head and rebuild the valuation team. In 2016, she became the Appointed Actuary and was responsible for the management of the actuarial function. Jasveen later assumed the role as Chief Financial Officer on 15 May 2018 and currently provides a leadership position to Finance, Strategic Management and Pricing teams with respective heads of these functions reporting directly to her. Jasveen has vast experience under her belt. She was attached to KPMG (UK) Limited for more than 4 years prior to joining GELM's Actuarial team in both Pricing and Valuation.
Jasveen holds a BSc (1st Class Honours) in Actuarial Science from London School of Economics. She is also a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Prior to joining Great Eastern, she had worked with KPMG LLP in United Kingdom as Consultant, Investment Advisory Team, Pensions.

Borhanudin Samsudin
Head, Agency Distribution
Appointed as Head of Agency on 1 January 2022, Borhanudin is responsible to steer, executing strategies and develop the agency force with his vast experience in sales, customer service and business operations.
In April 2021, he obtained the Certificate of NLP Practitioner & Transformational Coach by NLP Academy Malaysia which complements his leadership towards elevating and strengthening professionalism of the takaful advisors. Holding a Diploma in Information Technology from Informatics Group of College on 2005, Borhanudin is also a certified Six Sigma Blue Belt member as well as an Associate & Affiliate Shariah RFP by MFPC.

Raja Mazlena Raja Aziz
Head, Legal, Secretarial and Shariah
Raja Mazlena was recently appointed as the Head of Legal, Secretarial and Shariah of Great Eastern Takaful in April 2019. She was previously the Senior Vice President (“SVP”) of Company Secretariat, Legal and Corporate Services with Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“GELM”) for eight (8) years before joining a non-profit organization creative center that supports child creativity.
She holds a Bachelor Degree in Law from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Norazlin Mohd Dahari
Head, Corporate Takaful Business
Norazlin was appointed Head of Corporate Takaful Business in June 2019, bringing with her over 22 years’ experience in the insurance and takaful industry. Her work experience includes consultancy to private corporations and government-linked companies.
She holds an Executive Master of Business Administration in International Marketing from Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland.

Razali Kipli
Head, Human Capital
Razali heads the Human Capital function which manages the whole spectrum of Human Capital from recruitment, compensation and benefits to training and development.
Razali holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from RMIT University and is an active member of both the Association of Insurance Employers (AIE) and the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF).

Rashida Mior Ahmad Darwish
Head, Marketing
Rashida was appointed as the Head of Marketing since September 2024 leading the brand, marketing and product teams. She oversees the execution of marketing strategies and product implementation.
Prior to joining Great Eastern Takaful, she held leadership positions at several insurance Companies such as Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad and AIA Public Takaful
Berhad. Her experience includes insurance product development across distribution channels ranging from traditional insurance, investment-linked insurance, and takaful.
Rashida holds a Master’s Degree in Actuarial Science from Heriot-Watt University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Actuarial Science and Statistics from Purdue University.