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Healthcare Services

Panel of Clinics

The panel of clinics listed by location is meant to facilitate medical check-up required for New Business Takaful application purpose.

To view the full listing, please click on Panel of Clinics.


Claims and Hospital Admissions

To ensure that you receive the best healthcare services possible. We also provide a Health Care Card to certificate holders with medical plans, which is a value-added service to facilitate hospital admission at our affiliated hospitals and medical centers. The Health Care Card serves as an identification and Guarantee Letter (GL) for hospital admission (subject to eligibility and policy’s terms and conditions) so you don’t have to waste the time going through a long and slow process of hospital admission.

Please click on the following links to find out more information on the usage of medical cards and hospital admission.

Panel of hospitals
Panel of specialists

Clicking on the respective links will open up a pdf. This needs to be downloaded using Acrobat Reader.

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