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Community development (GET-Care)

Attentive and concerned with the life challenges faced by the community, GET-Care initiatives were introduced to help those in need to improve their well-being as well as their economic status. Activities under this pillar support various humanity aspects such as community service programmes, healthcare, infrastructure as well as community involvement and collaborations to achieve sustainable development within the community. 

Gear Eastern Takaful Organised Iftar with KIDS

Santunan Kasih Programme 2024

In conjunction with the celebration of Global Day of Parents under the GET-Care CSR initiative, Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (GETB) organised a heartwarming gathering for the underprivileged parents at Pusat Jagaan Mahmudah Malaysia. The Santunan Kasih Programme 2024 aimed to bring joy and happiness to nearly 50 elderly residents from Pusat Jagaan Mahmudah Malaysia.

What made the event even more special was the participation of GETB volunteers, who engaged with the residence of the Pusat Jagaan Mahmudah Malaysia in various exciting activities and games such as Congkak, Dam Haji, simple aerobics, and the introduction of GETB’s upcycling initiative via the 2-in-1 upcycling machine. They enthusiastically grabbed the opportunity to conduct the machine, enhancing the day's meaning and enjoyment.

In addition to cash donations to Pusat Jagaan Mahmudah Malaysia, employees of Great Eastern Takaful also contributed essential items such as adult diapers, toiletries, towels, and other necessities. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all employees who volunteered their time and donated the essentials items.

Through these initiative, Great Eastern Takaful continues its commitment to supporting those in need and strives to make a positive impact in the community.

GREAT Ramadan Programme Brought Joy to the Underprivileged Children 2024

GREAT Aidiladha Programme 2024

In celebration of Hari Raya Aidiladha, Great Eastern Takaful once again participated in Kembara Qurban Programme, a large-scale qurban activity organised by Yayasan Budi Ihsan Malaysia (YBIM).

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GREAT Ramadan Programme Brought Joy to the Underprivileged Children 2024

Great Eastern Takaful Aboard the Locomotive Train for Raya Kampong GETB Celebration! 

In the month of Syawal, Muslims around the world celebrated Hari Raya, and Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (GETB)

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GREAT Ramadan Programme Brought Joy to the Underprivileged Children 2024

Great Eastern Takaful Organised Iftar with KIDS

Great Eastern Takaful extends its heartfelt commitment in community care by organising a memorable Iftar gathering for children with childhood cancer.

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GREAT Ramadan Programme Brought Joy to the Underprivileged Children 2024

GREAT Ramadan programme

Great Eastern Takaful had organised a memorable Raya shopping trip under the GREAT Ramadan Programme, an initiative aimed at spreading joy to the underprivileged community segment.

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Great Eastern Takaful’s Groovy Club: We Care!

GETB's Groovy Club: We Care!

Great Eastern Takaful‘s Groovy Club had organised a heartfelt volunteering session on 7th March

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Flood Relief Handover Ceremony

Flood Relief Handover Ceremony

15 December 2023 observed Great Eastern Takaful once again collaborated with

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Cancer fighter recreation camp at Port Dickson

Fieldtrip to Kidzania 2023

In celebrating the International Children’s Day, Great Eastern Takaful hosted 32 children with cancer via its flagship collaboration with

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Cancer fighter recreation camp at Port Dickson

Cancer Fighter Recreation Camp at Port Dickson

In conjunction with Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Great Eastern Takaful was pleased to

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Great Aidiladha program photo


The GREAT Aidiladha program

Great Eastern Takaful (GETB) participated in Kembara Korban in June, which is a large-scale qurban activity organised by

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Children with childhood cancer iftar

Children with childhood cancer Iftar

Towards the final week of Ramadan, Great Eastern Takaful invited 50 children with childhood cancer under the Kumpulan Ibu Bapa dan Sokongan Anak-anak kanser (KIDS) 

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In kind contributions photo


In-kind contributions for the unfortunate

Further to the GREAT Ramadan & GREAT Aidiladha initiative, employees of Great Eastern Malaysia shared their blessings with the residents of 

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Great Ramadan program photo

GREAT ramadan program with 120 underprivileged community

Great Eastern Takaful (GETB) embraces this holy month of Ramadan through the GREAT Ramadan Programme

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GETFunJourney at Port Dickson photo

GETFunJourney at Port Dickson

Great Eastern Takaful (GETB) once again had an opportunity to collaborate with the Kumpulan Ibu Bapa dan Sokongan Anak-anak Kanser (KIDS) 

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MyETS journey program photo

MyETS Journey program

In conjunction with Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2022, Great Eastern Takaful collaborated

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Ramadan food for cancer patients

Ramadan food for the cancer patients

Great Eastern Takaful (GETB) visited Ronald McDonald House (RMH) at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) recently 

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Celebrates Aidiladha at Kem Wardieburn photo

Celebrates Aidiladha at Kem Wardieburn

To celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha in a meaningful way, we teamed up with Kem Wardieburn by contributing two cows for “qurban”.

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Tilling the land photo

Tilling the land for shared progress

Great Eastern Takaful marked the close of our CSR in 2019, where 40 volunteers from our company, joined by students of University Malaya, 

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Heart of giving photo


Heart of giving

On June 20, a group of representatives from Great Eastern Takaful made a community service visit to our "family" in the Orang Asli Village of Sg Gabong. The purpose of our visit

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Energy and clean water to orang asli photo

Energy and clean water to Orang Asli 

The company recently embarked on an initiative that provided an Orang Asli community in Pahang with energy and clean water. In collaboration with Saora Industries 

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