In the month of Syawal, Muslims around the world celebrated Hari Raya, and Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (GETB), embarked on a unique journey to celebrate the occasion with its employees. The event, aptly named “Raya Kampong GETB”, aimed to bring back the nostalgic charm of old-school Raya celebration to which all GETB staff are required to don their best Malay classic attire. The purpose of this Raya Kampong GETB on a locomotive train was to allow all staff to experience the refreshing Raya celebration with a unique twist to it. Being the first takaful operator to charter 12 coaches in light of Raya festivities, we aspire to reach for great in ensuring continuous fun and engaging staff activities.
Themed “Melayu Klasik”, the Raya Kampong GETB celebration took place aboard the Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad Kuala Lumpur’s (KTMB KL) locomotive train, travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Tampin. All staff members were treated to a special balik kampung experience as they journeyed through the picturesque Malaysian countryside while enjoying the classical ambiance from food to decorative elements and classical games such as congkak, dart, dam haji and karaoke contest. Upon arrival in Tampin train station, specially prepared buses awaited all GETB staff to transport them to Dewan Perdana Tampin, where the festivities continued.
GETB extended the spirit of sharing and reaffirms its commitment in helping people in need, by inviting underprivileged children from Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-anak Harapan to join in the festivities. This corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative, under the GET-Care initiative aimed to provide an exciting Raya experience in which their presence added an extra layer of joy while spreading the festive far and wide.