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Comprehensive family takaful plan with complete range of benefits to protect your family

Family Takaful

i-Great Evo | Comprehensive Family Takaful Plan

An evolutionary protection plan for your evolving needs

Everybody goes through different stages and challenges in life. The i-Great Evo gives you the opportunity to customise your protection plan according to your life stages and affordability. With its auto-extension of coverage feature and comprehensive attachable riders, the i-Great Evo is a good avenue for you to get comprehensive protection, because i-Great Evo is an evolutionary protection plan for your evolving needs.


What is an evolutionary protection plan?

Evolutionary protection refers to a dynamic approach to takaful that adapts alongside your changing circumstances. Unlike traditional static plans, evolutionary protection acknowledges that life isn't stagnant; it evolves, and so should your takaful coverage and contribution. i-Great Evo embodies this concept by providing customisable options that can grow and adapt with you. Some of the customisations that you can do are adding the critical illness coverage, accidental coverage and medical and hospitalisation takaful coverage.


The importance of a evolutionary protection plan

Understanding the significance of evolutionary protection is crucial in today's fast-paced world. It ensures that your takaful coverage remains relevant and effective as your life progresses. By embracing this approach, you're not just preparing for today's challenges but also safeguarding against unforeseen events in the future.


Benefits of evolutionary takaful protection for the family

Evolutionary takaful protection offers numerous benefits and advantages, especially for families. It provides a safety net that adjusts to the changing needs of your loved ones, whether it's planning for education expenses, securing a mortgage, or preparing for retirement. With i-Great Evo, families can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their protection plan is adaptable and comprehensive, providing financial security throughout life's journey with the added assurance of Compassionate Benefit.


Importance of a plan like i-Great Evo

By offering customisable options and advanced features such as Automatic Advanced Protection and comprehensive rider attachments, i-Great Evo is a term family takaful plan that ensures you're not just purchasing a plan but investing in a solution that evolves with you. Whether you're starting your career, raising a family, or planning for retirement, i-Great Evo provides the flexibility and security needed to navigate life's uncertainties with confidence.



Key benefits


Monthly contribution from RM50 a month

Get essential protection with Sum Covered starting from RM15,000 subject to monthly contribution from as low as RM50.


Auto-Extension of Coverage

Enjoy continuous protection after maturity up to 80 or 100 years age next birthday with Auto-Extension of Coverage. 


Total & Permanent Disability and Death benefit

In the event of Total & Permanent Disability prior to the Certificate anniversary before 70 years attained age next birthday or death prior to Certificate maturity, the following will be payable:


●       Basic Sum Covered; and

●       Any amount left in Participant’s Individual Account

Additional benefits

Maturity & Compassionate benefit

You will receive any amount left from the Participant's Individual Account upon maturity and your next-of-kin will receive a lump sum amount of RM2,000 in the event of your passing.

The widest Critical Illness coverage in Malaysia

Please see the list of 61 Critical Illness here.

Badal Hajj, Waqf and Hibah services

These are optional services and you need to fill in the Hajj by Proxy Service Form, Waqf Services Form and Nomination and Assignment Form for the respective services of your choice.

Enhance your coverage

Customise your i-Great Evo plan for a comprehensive protection with these 8 optional riders:


Medical and Hospitalisation

Critical Illness


Accidental Coverage


Waiver of Contribution

How i-Great Evo works

Notes and disclaimers

Please do take note of the below to ensure you fully understand what this product does and does not cover. If in doubt, contact your Great Eastern Takaful Advisor.

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