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Great Eastern Takaful launches MikroSayang

1 November 2021 – Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (GETB) has embarked on developing mikrotakaful distribution channel known as MikroSayang to cater to the basic protection needs of the underserved and unserved segments in Malaysia, especially the B40 and lower M40 aged 18-55 years old. Product ideation and design stems from the knowledge and experience gained by the team from managing the mySalam scheme for close to 7 million members.

MikroSayang is the first product launched under the Perlindungan Tenang, an initiative under Bank Negara to ensure availability of simple and affordable protection for all.

There are three (3) benefits offered by MikroSayang, namely:

  • Hospitalisation Benefit

Income replacement of RM50 per day, limited to 14 days per year

  • Critical Illness

RM5,000 one-off if certificate holders are diagnosed with any one of the 45 Critical Illness covered

  • Death due to Personal Accident (PA)

RM5,000 one-off for death due to traffic accident payable to next of kin

There are three (3) plans offered, namely:

  • Plan A : Hospitalisation Benefit only at RM50 per year or RM4.20 monthly;
  • Plan B : Critical Illness only at RM50 per year or RM4.20 monthly;
  • Plan C: Hospitalisation Benefit and Critical Illness RM90 per year or RM7.50 monthly

MikroSayang will be fully available online at where interested customers can register online and be protected almost instantly and subsequently will be granted access to an online dashboard/portal where they can manage their account, submit their claims, check the benefits available to them and refer other customers.

MikroSayang will be a product fully distributed digitally through its own portal at where customers will experience intuitive and simplified on-boarding process with an end-to-end process taking less than 3 minutes.

For Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat (BPR) recipients aged 18-55 and are eligible for the Perlindungan Tenang Voucher (PTV). They can redeem their voucher and get protected with MikroSayang for free for one year.

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